It’s Simon Bolivar Rugby Football Club one of the first team registered for “Rinoceronte Day -Una Mole di Rugby 2025”. Confirmation just arrived from Venezuela.
The Rinoceronti and the exuberant Venezuelans meet for the first time during Old Ham Tournament in Prague in June 2024 and even if they did not have the opportunity to play against each other they became great and true” amigos” in a such a way that the Simon Bolivar accepted to face the long journey to Europe again to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Rinoceronti Rugby Torino.
More details of our great friends from Venezuela coming soon.
Gracias Amigos!
Gli amici del Simon Bolivar Rugby Football Club provengono dalla città di Caracas.. finalmente sarà svelato se il rum pubblicizzato in un famoso spot di qualche anno fa è veramente il pià bevuto…